Sunday, August 4, 2013


Nitrendipine is a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker. It is used in the treatment of primary hypertension.

ethyl methyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(3-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate

Nitrendipine is absorbed through gut and metabolized by liver before it goes into the systemic circulation and reaches the cells of the smooth muscles and cardiac muscle cells.
 It binds more effectively with L-type calcium channels in smooth muscle cells because of its lower resting membrane potential. The Nitrendipine diffuses into the membrane and binds to its high affinity binding site on the inactivated L-type calcium channel that’s located in between each of the 4 intermembrane components of the α1 subunit. The exact mechanism of action of Nitrendipine is unknown, but it is believed to have important tyrosine and threonine residues in its binding pocket and its binding interferes with the voltage sensor and gating mechanism of the channel. Thought to have a domain-interface model of binding. In hypertension, the binding of Nitrendipine causes a decrease in the probability of open L-type calcium channels and reduces the influx of calcium. The reduced levels of calcium prevent smooth muscle contraction within these muscle cells. Prevention of muscle contraction enables smooth muscle dilation. Dilation of the vasculature reduces total peripheral resistance, which decreases the workload on the heart and prevents scarring of the heart or heart failure.

Adult: 20 mg daily as a single dose or in 2 divided doses; may be increased to 20 mg bid as necessary to control resistant hypertension.
Elderly: Initially, 10 mg daily.
Hepatic impairment: Initially, 5-10 mg once daily.
Symptoms: Flushing, headache, BP reduction with circulatory collapse, changes in heart rate (tachycardia, bradycardia). Management: Initially, gastric lavage with subsequent activated charcoal. Dopamine or noradrenaline may be used for excessive hypotension. Atropine or orciprenaline may be used for bradycardia.
Hypotension, flushing, oedema, dizziness, palpitation, fatigue, headache, nausea, bloating, diarrhoea, paraesthesias, tachycardia, asthenia, drowsiness, angina, MI, irritability, respiratory disorders, hypersensitivity reactions, increased urine output, elevated LFTs, myalgia, tremor, blood count changes, gingival hyperplasia.
Effects may be enhanced by other antihypertensives. Increased sodium excretion with diuretics at the start of treatment. May prolong effects of pancuronium, vecuronium. May increase digoxin levels. Reduced levels/effects with rifampicin, phenytoin, carbamazepine or phenobarbitone. Levels/effects may be increased with cimetidine, valproic acid, erythromycin, troleandomycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole, nefazodone, protease inhibitors, quinupristin or dalfopristin.
Potentially Fatal: Effects may be enhanced by other antihypertensives. Increased sodium excretion with diuretics at the start of treatment. May prolong effects of pancuronium, vecuronium. May increase digoxin levels. Reduced levels/effects with rifampicin, phenytoin, carbamazepine or phenobarbitone. Levels/effects may be increased with cimetidine, valproic acid, erythromycin, troleandomycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole, nefazodone, protease inhibitors, quinupristin or dalfopristin.

FOOD INTERACTIONS  -    Concentration may be increased with grapefruit juice.

BRANDS                  -      COMPANY  -  COUNTRY
Balodipine                          Taiyo Pharmaceutical, Japan
Balotein                               Medisa Shinyaku, Japan
Baylotensin                        Tanabe Mitsubishi Pharma, Japan
Bayniroad                           Taisho Yakuhin, Japan
Bayotensin                         Bayer Vital, Germany
Bayotensin mite              Bayer Vital, Germany
Baypresol                            Bayer, Spain
Baypress                              Bayer, Austria;   Bayer, Belgium;   Bayer, Switzerland;    Bayer, Colombia;     Bayer, Czech Republic;       Bayer, Denmark;       Bayer, Greece;     Bayer, Hungary;      Bayer, Italy;      Bayer, South Korea;          Bayer, Netherlands;      Bayer, Thailand;       Bayer, Turkey;     Bayer Animal Health, Luxembourg;      Bayer Santé, France
Baypress mite                   Bayer, Switzerland
Caltren                                 Libbs, Brazil
Cardiazem                          Sanitas, Chile
Cenipres (Nitrendipine and Enalapril)- Ferrer, Austria
Cobatensin                         Kobayashi Kako, Japan
Ditrenil                                                Siam Bheasach, Thailand
Dosperopin                        Towa Yakuhin, Japan
Ecatelisin            Zensei Yakuhin, Japan
Ellenal                  Sanwa Kagaku, Japan
Eneas (Nitrendipine and Enalapril)  -  Abbott, Turkey; Dream Pharma, South Korea; Ferrer, Dominican Republic; Ferrer, Guatemala; Ferrer, Honduras; Ferrer, Luxembourg; Ferrer, Nicaragua; Ferrer, El Salvador; Ferrer Farma, Spain; Galenica, Greece; Galenica, Romania
ENEAS (Nitrendipine and Enalapril)- Ferrer, Germany; Merck, Germany
Enit (Nitrendipine and Enalapril) - Adeka, Turkey;   Ferrer, Luxembourg;    Ferrer Farma, Spain;     Gap, Greece
Gericin                                 Seid, Spain
Grifonitren                         Chile, Chile
Jutapress                             Juta, Germany; Q-Pharm, Germany
Leonitren                            Mentinova, Greece
Lisba                                      Rafarm, Greece
Lostradyl                             Chrispa, Greece
Lusopress                            Berlin-Chemie, Bulgaria;   Berlin-Chemie, Estonia;   Instituto Luso Farmaco, Czech Republic;     Luso, Latvia;     Lusofarmaco, Lithuania;      Lusofarmaco, Romania;      Lusofarmaco, Slovakia;       Lusofarmaco, Tunisia
Miniten                               Utopian, Thailand
Nelconil                               Pharmathen, Greece
Nian                                      Ying Yuan, Taiwan
Nidrel                                   UCB Pharma, France
Nifecard                              Bros, Greece
Nilzipin                                                Kyorin Rimedio, Japan
Niprina                                 Esteve, Spain
Nirapel                                 Ivax, Argentina
Nitopress                            Kyowa Yakuhin, Japan
Nitotelocin                         Choseido Pharmaceutical, Japan
Nitregamma                      Wörwag Pharma, Germany
Nitren Lich                          Winthrop, Germany
Nitren                                   Siu Guan, Taiwan
Nitren-acis                         Acis, Germany
Nitrencord                          Biosintética, Brazil
Nitrend KSK                       KSK-Pharma, Germany
Nitrendil                             Bagó, Argentina; Elmor, Venezuela
Nitrendilat                                         Medilat, Greece
Nitrendipin - 1 A Pharma             1A Pharma, Germany
Nitrendipin AbZ                               AbZ-Pharma, Germany
Nitrendipin Actavis                        Actavis, Germany; Balkanpharma, Bulgaria
Nitrendipin AL                                  Aliud, Bulgaria; Aliud, Germany
Nitrendipin Aristo                           Aristo Pharma, Germany
Nitrendipin Basics                           Basics, Germany
Nitrendipin beta                              Betapharm, Germany
Nitrendipin dura                              Mylan dura, Germany
Nitrendipin Heumann                          Heumann, Germany
Nitrendipin JENAPHARM                             mibe, Germany
Nitrendipin Lindopharm                              Lindopharm, Germany
Nitrendipin Sandoz                                      Sandoz, Germany
Nitrendipin STADA                STADA, Germany
Nitrendipin-corax                   Corax, Germany
Nitrendipin-CT                           CT Arzneimittel, Germany
Nitrendipine - Pacific Pharm - Pacific, China
Nitrendipine Myla                    Mylan, France
Nitrendipine Teva                 Teva Santé, France
Nitrendipine Xinhua Pharm - Xinhua, China
Nitrendipine-Xinhua Pharm -  Xinhua, China
Nitrendipino Andromaco   Andromaco, Chile
Nitrendipino L.CH.               Chile, Chile
Nitrendipino Mintlab          Mintlab, Chile
Nitrendipino Ratiopharm   Ratiopharm, Spain
Nitrendipino Rider           Rider, Chile
Nitrendipino Stada           STADA, Spain
Nitrendipin-ratiopharm  Ratiopharm, Germany; Ratiopharm, Czech Republic
Nitrendypina Anpharm   Anpharm, Poland
Nitrensal                             TAD, Germany
Nitrepin                               Zdravlje, Serbia
Nitrepress                          Hexal, Czech Republic; Hexal, Germany; Hexal, Lithuania
Nitre-Puren                       Actavis, Germany
Nitresan                              Pro.Med., Poland; Pro.Med.CS, Czech Republic; Pro.Med.CS, Estonia; Pro.Med.CS, Lithuania; Pro.Med.CS, Slovakia
Nitrezic                                                Ohara Yakuhin, Japan
Nivitron                               Coup, Greece
Potional                               Kleva, Greece
Ravena                                 STADA, Bulgaria
Shetlazorna                        Nisshin Seiyaku - Yamagata, Japan
Shu Mai Te                         Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory, China
Spidox               Finixfarm, Greece
Tensogradal           Kern, Spain
Tepanil   -           Norma Hellas, Greece
Unipres   -              Krka, Czech Republic; Krka, Hungary; Krka, Lithuania; Krka, Slovenia
Unipress  -                  Krka, Slovakia
Vastensium    -           Salvat, Spain

Vipres (Nitrendipine and Enalapril)  -  Ferrer Farma, Spain

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